Ship designed to transport people from one seaport to another.
Examples for "ocean liner"
Examples for "ocean liner"
1The story of the ocean liner has been told hundreds of times.
2People are willing to believe anything they are told on an ocean liner.
3But we seem to be traveling faster than an ocean liner.
4Sorry me accommodations are so poor, but then this ain't no ocean liner.
5No, that mustn't happen here-thisgreat ocean liner would survive.
1Before that, iron was only used for battleships, ocean liners, etc.
2Sailboats, men and women on the decks of ocean liners, several military portraits.
3This ship, larger than any previously built, was a forerunner of today's ocean liners.
4Why is it that people on ocean liners are supposed to behave like zanies?
5Even large ocean liners ascend to Hankow, and smaller steamboats to the capital of Sze-chuan.
1In Sevastopol, the regiment transferred to five cargo ships and a passenger liner.
2This was no cargo boat, but a passenger liner; outward bound, too, and populous.
3John Prescott started his working life as a steward on an ocean-going passenger liner.
4It was a large, modern passenger liner with several big anti-aircraft guns on the deck.
5Moments later, the passenger liner struck the iceberg, tearing a series of holes in its hull.
6While standing watch, he imagined himself on the deck of a luxury passenger liner with Sofochka.
7He changed into his civilian clothes- aholidayin itself-andboarded a passenger liner to the Foundation, second class.
8She is the largest passenger liner ever built, & her replacement, the Queen Elizabeth 2, will set no new record.
9The second view was of a passenger liner with the elaborate ornamentation that in past generations was considered suitable for space.
10Along the Embarcadero you may see craft of every rig under the sun from a Chinese junk to a Transpacific passenger liner.
11Now they're all gone except for the passenger piers - and not one passenger liner flying a U.S. flag docks there anymore.
12The United States authorities would not permit us to carry ammunition, classified as such by the military authorities, on a passenger liner.
13Nearly 1,200 people died when the passenger liner was hit by a German torpedo off the Irish coast.
14This is the first suspected case of COVID-19 in a South African sea-port, but it ties in with another vessel, the AIDAmira passenger liner.
15The New Yorker, April 8, 1944 P. 26 Tells about the Captain's Dinner aboard a west-bound French passenger liner.
16The cadets had met him once before when they rode on a passenger liner from Mars to Venusport and liked the small, stubby spaceman.
Translations for passenger liner